Archive for the 'arrested' Category

Arrested developments

April 4, 2007

Old Fleet Prison

I didn’t post this earlier because I mislaid Tony’s note and it just surfaced.

TONY (written while he was in jail)
“I was arrested Jan 26, 2007 at 10:32am. I was taken to 11 Division and the policemen there treated me really good; mind you, I had to wait 2 hours for a ham and cheese sandwich.

“I spent all day and night trying to sleep on a cold steel bed and froze my ass off. They put me through a Level 3 search, right down to “bend over and spread ’em.”

“Next day I was handcuffed and put in a paddywagon and taken to 14 Division to pick some crooks to take to court with me. There I slept on a cold floor. I waited all day for them to tell me to come back the next day. So right now [January 28th] I’m doing 20 days for not going to court in July last year.

“The hardest time in jail is at night when all sorts of crazy things go through your mind like how to hurt yourself or even kill yourself to try and forget the loneliness.”

You always remember the first time

February 6, 2007

311 Jarvis, Toronto

“What’s the first time you were arrested?”

“I got caught stealing from the candy store.”

“How old were you?”


“So what happened?”

“They took me home to my mom and she decided that I’d better learn my lesson about stealing. So they took me down to 311 Jarvis for five days.

“I can tell you, I stayed pretty clean for a while after that.”

7UP + $0.02 = domino theory (circa 1965)

February 2, 2007

7UP (circa 1951)

“I got arrested when I was 17 for taking 7UP from a 7UP truck, which was actually the second time I did it.

“I’ll tell you about the first time, which we didn’t get caught for. I was 16 and a bunch of us went up to the old 7UP factory on Christie one night. We emptied out the whole side of a 45-foot long delivery truck. So, right when we were taking the last case, the truck got so lopsided that it just kind of leaned over, right onto the truck beside it. Before you knew it, it was like a a bunch of dominoes, with our truck being the first domino.”

“What did you do with all the 7UP ?”

“We drank most of it. Other than that, we just poured it out.”

“You did this for kicks?”

“Actually, we did it mostly to get money. Back then, they would give you two cents for every bottle you returned.”

Tony in jail — Update #1

January 27, 2007

I visited Tony in jail yesterday. He’ll be there for another 20 days or so, as a result of three minor offences, including a “failure to appear” charge pertaining to the trial for the other two minor offences. However, he’s got two further charges against him that are more serious. These could send him to prison for up to two years as I understand it. Tony wanted to make clear that none of the charges allege any actual or attempted physical harm to anyone. Also, he emphasized that these charges relate to events that occurred well before we started this blog.

Tony asks that if one of his readers is a lawyer — or knows one — who could handle Tony’s case, please email Philip at philip [at]

Separately, you are heartily invited to visit him (the Don Jail is located at Broadview and Gerrard). Visiting hours are 130pm – 4pm, 7 days a week. Just tell the front guard that you’re his friend. His full name is Anthony Clemens.


“How are you?”

“Well I’m staying out of the cold. They put me in the medical ward to fix up my feet and my back and my knees and my collar bone and some other problems. They fixed the crack in my feet already; they’ve got this cream that really works. So that’s good. But I haven’t slept in 4 days so they’re giving me some drugs for that.”

“And they’re treating you right?”

“Oh yeah. Even when the officer arrested me the other day, he was a decent guy. He locked up my bike for me and even let me finish my cigarette before putting the cuffs on. They still have my glasses at 11th Division but I’ll get them in a few days.

“The problem is mostly that you can’t receive phone calls here and it costs 75 cents to make a call, unless you can call collect.

“Anyway, I’m staying out of that cold and they’re giving me food and fixing me up, so it’s not too bad for now. I’m not even missing my smokes much.”

Tony is back in the Don Jail

January 26, 2007

He went in front of a judge yesterday but did not make bail. I don’t know what the charge(s) are.

It’s going to be very cold tonight [-20C], so I see a good side to his situation, although I don’t know if Tony would agree.

I’ll tell you more when I speak to him.