Posts Tagged ‘friends’

Friends in need

December 2, 2011

“What do you remember about being a kid?”

“I was a fun kid, you know. I had friends and I had a good lot of them. Things were different then.”

“You’ve still got lots of friends …”

“Well maybe I have lots of friends now but its different when you’re a kid, you know. You can just have fun. Nowerdays when your a grownup, people need your help, and mostly I can’t give them what they want but at least I can smile and tell them ‘hello’ or ‘have a nice day’ or something. That perks people up, most of them anyways.”

That’s what friends are for

March 10, 2011

“You heard the one about “the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain?”

“My mom taught me that one, I think.”

“That’s what mom’s are for.”


November 5, 2010

Hi everyone,
This is the 499th posting since we began our blog just a hair more than four years ago. [We (i.e., Philip) were too enthused to wait until the next one. ]

When we launched, so far as we knew, was the first blog to ongoingly express the words of an ongoingly homeless person.

Thank you to our many friends and readers. Your ongoing presence has provided us with a unique and extraordinary experience, weird as it has sometimes been. We expect more of the same.

Tony and Philip

Two friends are dead

August 8, 2010

“I told you about Dave dying two days ago?

“No, you never told me that. That’s sad. He was a really nice person. He was very gentle. Someone told me that he was a big reader. Anyway, that is really sad.”

It was that mouthwash drinking that did it; everybody knew it was going happen. Almost happened a few times already. His liver just died, sort of.”

“And who’s your other friend who died?”

“You know the guy who jumped from the apartment building around the corner the other day?”

“Yeah, I heard about it but I didn’t get it that he was your friend. You know I’ve had way too much experience with suicides. Can you imagine how bad you’ve got to feel to go jump like he did.”

“Pretty sad.”

“Yup, pretty sad.”

Or else

May 11, 2010

“You want to hear my favourite quote?  I just put it up on the chalkboard in Alternative Grounds. It’s from Lincoln. So the quote is: “Have I not destroyed my enemies if I have made friends of them?’  Deep, eh?”

“You’re not kidding!  That’s what you gotta do if you’re where I am — or else.”

Lord of the flies

October 3, 2007

Spider and the fly

“We’re losing another homeless guy.”

“Who’s that?”

“You remember when I told you about the homeless guy up the street, the guy who was drinking mouthwash?  He’s in the hospital — has been for 3 days now. The doctors figure for sure he ain’t coming out of that hospital on his own steam, if you know what I mean.”

“How do you know this?”

“I spoke one of his other friends last night. The guy says that everyone’s done whatever they could to help the guy, but his insides were totally rotted out. You know, we’re just falling like flies now.”