Archive for February 2nd, 2007

7UP + $0.02 = domino theory (circa 1965)

February 2, 2007

7UP (circa 1951)

“I got arrested when I was 17 for taking 7UP from a 7UP truck, which was actually the second time I did it.

“I’ll tell you about the first time, which we didn’t get caught for. I was 16 and a bunch of us went up to the old 7UP factory on Christie one night. We emptied out the whole side of a 45-foot long delivery truck. So, right when we were taking the last case, the truck got so lopsided that it just kind of leaned over, right onto the truck beside it. Before you knew it, it was like a a bunch of dominoes, with our truck being the first domino.”

“What did you do with all the 7UP ?”

“We drank most of it. Other than that, we just poured it out.”

“You did this for kicks?”

“Actually, we did it mostly to get money. Back then, they would give you two cents for every bottle you returned.”

Giving money to Tony and/or to Tony’s choice of charities

February 2, 2007

On Dec 24th (see the “PS” just above reader comments), I said that bank accounts were being set up to enable you to give money:

a) to Tony personally (Account #1);


b) to Canadian Registered Charities, as selected by Tony (Account #2).

Two further notes. First, please read the “fine print” on the instructions for giving money before giving anything. Secondly, while I don’t think it’s a problem, it should be high-lighted that with Tony in jail and facing other possible charges, he might choose to use any of your gifts to him (i.e., that you deposit into Account#1) to help him fulfill possible bail conditions, to help with legal expenses, etc.

Of course, you can bypass Tony by directly supporting charities benefitting the homeless; anything you do will be appreciated.

My apologies for the delay in getting all this set up.