Giving money to Tony and/or to Tony’s choice of charities

February 2, 2007

On Dec 24th (see the “PS” just above reader comments), I said that bank accounts were being set up to enable you to give money:

a) to Tony personally (Account #1);


b) to Canadian Registered Charities, as selected by Tony (Account #2).

Two further notes. First, please read the “fine print” on the instructions for giving money before giving anything. Secondly, while I don’t think it’s a problem, it should be high-lighted that with Tony in jail and facing other possible charges, he might choose to use any of your gifts to him (i.e., that you deposit into Account#1) to help him fulfill possible bail conditions, to help with legal expenses, etc.

Of course, you can bypass Tony by directly supporting charities benefitting the homeless; anything you do will be appreciated.

My apologies for the delay in getting all this set up.

4 Responses to “Giving money to Tony and/or to Tony’s choice of charities”

  1. unknowned Says:

    Guess this means Tonys Check will be stopped since he is in Jail. I hear that disabiliy stops checks if your in Jail.
    Since his needs are being met while in Jail.
    Hope all goes well for you Tony and hope you get on your feet when you get out and rent a room to live in , instead of conning on the streets. It is safer and healthier for you, good luck!

  2. Tony Says:

    Unknowned — I’m not sure about his cheque; I’ll ask him.

    He agrees that there’s very much a good side to his being inside and fed. In fact, he told me that he’s putting on weight.

    He, of course, has the many of the same hopes you do. However, your use of the word “conning” reads to me as very offensive. Or is this not what you meant? Do you have substantive evidence which you think it unnecessary to declare?

    What’s up?


  3. henry Says:

    I’ve been following this from here, in England, for a little while.

    It surprises me that some people are so upset by the way Tony’s life is at the moment that they wish, in rather a cruel way it seems to me, that his life will get worse, to ‘serve him right’ and to make him behave in a way that is more acceptable to them.

    There can’t be many better maxims to follow than ‘Do as you would be done by’ so why do some people actually go out of their way to be unkind?

    Thank you, Philip, for what you have done here; I’m looking forward to the next installment.

    It’s good to think that, tonight, Tony sleeps somewhere that is safer (hopefully) than a hostel and certainly warmer than the streets.

  4. jayherron Says:

    I think providence has given Tony a blessing in disguise-I’m here in Florida and tonight they are calling for a hard freeze and the temps to go down to 27F and just thinking about the homeless anywhere-yet thinking about Tony (and seeing his bike all covered in ice) it just seems to me that angels have done thier best to place him in a protective sort of place-no pun meant-but to have “3 hots and a cot” in the dead of winter appeals to me more than sleeping under the rail road bridge. His complaint in earlier posts about his feet-well,they are giving him a chance to heal them! And the time spent there-is it not accounted as time served,so…the more indoors he is the more he has given in return to fulfill his obligation.
    Sorry Tony-you just don’t seem the kind that needs to worry while in jail-you are not pretty enough to be in harms way for some reasons,and you are not rich enough to worry about the others-and being off the street you must be wise enough to steer clear from hoods and trouble! Not that I see the time in jail as a holiday-but there are ways of seeing good in things when we dont really understand the goodness these things offer.
    If it was me-I would use the time and every opportunity to feel my way through the system and find out what is available to help me-Tony,when they release me at the other end! You express your ‘crimes’ have no violent origins-and they are petty and that you neglected to fulfill obligations to the court…so if that is so there must be some contact with counseling and court options that might help you get set up a little better than sitting on a milk crate and sleeping on a old fridge box for a mattress.
    I’ve been there-fairly much every where you have been…homeless,yes! in jail,yes! hungry…darned right-and could stand a warm plate of food right now( because the homebound are hungry too)-and every one of those things made me want them to end and be different so I used them to better me and to learn from them and I dont think Canada is any more backwards than the USA and thus there must be programs available to you while you are cooling your heels in the the can.
    Not trying to be adverse to your situation-but sometimes the things we percieve as wrong may be best for us.
    I honestly can say-I am pleased you are in a place with warmth and food and healing while its so deathly cold out,and…if you get a chance to look in a Bible read Phillipians 4:11,its about you dude!!!

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